Monday, June 21, 2010

We have a Graduate!!

I can hardly believe that we are the parents of a High School Graduate! Yes, Mo graduated this year and will be starting college this August. It seems like just yesterday that she was starting Kindergarten. It's funny how when we are young, are parents are always telling us to just relax and enjoy our life because before we know it, we'll be grown up!! We would always just roll our eyes and say whatever, because we didn't see what they saw. Man... I sure wish now that I could go back in time to my childhood days and take my time growing up. Enjoying the little things in life and not wishing everyday that I would hurry up and be 16, and then 21 and then 30! Life is such a precious gift and we take for granted the time we have on this earth too much. I wish that I could push a pause button on our lives so that I can cherish my children's youth as long as possible because one day they will be all grown with children of their own and as I cannot wait to see my future grandchildren, I want them to enjoy the wonderful gift of youth they have. All I know is that the good Lord has blessed me more than I have ever deserved and I owe everything that I have to him. Thank you Jesus for the sacrifice you have made for me and all of your children.