Wednesday, October 24, 2007

No More Diapers!!!!

I am soo excited to say that we will no longer be having a need for Diapers! Yes... Abby is officially potty trained at 23mo's old. I went out the other day and bought her a package of big girl princess panties and boy was she ecstatic to see them and couldn't wait to put them on. I never thought I'd see the day where I'd have a diaper free house but it has arrived!


Sophie's Mom said...

Yahoo Abby! What a big girl! Such a milestone!

Livin' out loud said...

Way to go Abby!!! What a wonderful milestone for you and Mom!!

Shana said...

I am so impressed! What is your secret? :)

Abby is just ADORABLE! Oh, she is so pretty and sweet- what a beautiful family!

Happy New Year,
Shana :)